Who's running NGK ZFR5N in there Slant?

Hey Charlie.... Champion..... screwing? Huh? That's how plugs go in , they screw round and round.
No matter the brand.

One combo that I have NEVER had luck with is ACs in a mopar. Tried it a few times when they were out of the right champions for what I was driving, every time I wound up with an overpowering whine in the speakers whenever the radio was on.
I used Autolites in My "Killer6", stock EI box, recurved dizzy w/the mech adv limited, Accel coil. I can tell You 1st-hand, Champion had a less-than-stellar rep in the late '80's-early '90's, They allowed a ton of sub-standard "2nds" product to be sold at discount stores. For a fact. More than a few put a fresh set of Chumpions in & the car would barely run/idle. One in particular was pulling His hair out, as He'd fixed a cable terminal, & the Mallory cap's spring-loaded button had stuck "up in" twice before on Him. Nope. I told Him to toss the old plugs back in, & voila! Some of Us have long memories, & trust is difficult to win back.