Power Steering Gearbox Fitting...What Size/Type?

20210430_081600.jpg 20210429_192210.jpg Hey everyone! Was hoping someone on here could help me out, because I have searched everywhere for an answer; currently building a 1974 Dart Sport, that has had a 400 block put in it. Since I was basically at square one, I decided to go with power steering, but of course decided to have some fun and go with Volvo electric power steering pump mod, using AN6 fittings for the hose connections. What I can't seem to find, is the size/type of fitting (is this inverted flare?) for the pressure side of the gear box. I bought this Cardone gearbox from Advance Auto, and down in the description it says it's a 1/2x20 thread, but I'm not sure on that. Aside from the low pressure port mount (which I have), is there any other piece that I need to get that goes into this port in order for a stock p/s hose to mount, or does the stock hose just thread in?

Advance Auto Parts - Down for Maintenance

I have a message out to Cardone, waiting on a reply, but I figured I would ask here as well. Due to the port being so close to the frame up front, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with a banjo bolt set up to get this to work. I'll throw a picture up later.

In short, looking for info for the high pressure port on the p/s gearbox;
-Thread size
-flare type

Thanks in advance guys!