Another one seeminly "headed downhill"

I have a neighbor who's a real enigma. He drinks a lot and can be a mean drunk. We've been in and out for years, but I guess we've been friendly more than not. He is about or maybe a little less than 10 years my jr. but has something wrong with him, in some ways like me..........joint/ body/ arthritic pain, damaged shoulders, etc. He uses drinking to "self medicate" as well. No idea what or if he takes pain meds. He is not in good shape financially. The place is not paid for and he's banging on the "forced retirement" door. He works for a marina setting up boats, so not an easy job, physically, or for the physically damaged

So I've noticed his rig around here and wondered "must not be working?" And this time of year here should be prime time for getting boats ready

Tonight I caught him out, limping BAD and in pain BAD. he told me something about "draining his calcium" I guess what he meant is something is dropping the calcium levels in his bones. DOES NOT SOUND GOOD. He is in obvious pain, and will be a difficult candidate to retrain for a "desk job."

I do feel for him. Despite his problems, he's maintained his job with this marina for decades, so he must be good at something.