The Future Is Here, Introducing The eDart

when everything has been converted to electricity, and the electricity stops flowing, we're in deepchit. And you cannot even get away. I'd rather have 60 or 80 pounds of gas on board than hundreds and hundreds of pounds of stinking useless at that point,batteries.
As a Believer, and knowing that I will be on a government hit-list shortly, I keep my tank full at all times. and fresh gas nearby, and I keep a points distributor just as handy. When I gotta run, mychit will go. With overdrive, my Barracuda can be set up to go about 450 or more miles on a tankful of gas, and still sprint to 106 in the 12s.
Electric vehicles will be like dogchit; found everywhere, dried up, and in the way, with the owners walking away. Can you not see that this is an evil ploy? The electric car owner is on a very short leash.
And when Biden starts driving up the price of gas to make you think about electric cars, try to stay focused; he is just leashing you shorter; he is NOT your friend! First he will take away the guns, and then your mobility will go. Then he will come for the Christians, and the "useless eaters". Set your clocks to Biden time and watch it play out. Movies have been made about this, prophesying it for several decades, already.
God says he never does anything without His prophets telling us about it first. That was done about two thousand years ago.
Satan also prophecies, but he's a lil slower. Get your collective heads out of the sand boys, satan has already been announcing his plans for something like 70 years; now you just gotta wait a lil bit longer. Everything goes according to God's master plan, satan cannot hurry it. Trump was a blip on the timeline to accomplish God's plans. That's over now, so get ready.
But don't worry; very soon you won't be able to buy even a loaf of bread, much less a new electric leash. But hey, at least you won't have a mortgage anymore........ Oh wait, you won't own anything anymore. The state will own it all, and rent it back to you. And if, or rather when, you can no longer meet the rent payment, out you go, the state will re-allocate your home to someone who can. Seeya.

Dig a well, you can only survive about three days without water. Just don't let your neighbors see you do it, or it will be a community well. Abraham had to dig three wells to finally keep one for himself ......

ha ha you must be fun at parties