WAI DST3890 Distributor (And Other Chinese Variants)

Just thought I’d post some pictures and give some details on these newish Chinese versions of the Chrysler distributors. They’ve been around for a while but I’m just not seeing much for good pictures or info on them from end users so. Not looking to start a debate about China or soliciting posts about “just get this or do that etc” these have been available for some time and are a viable option to be considered by many. At first glance they look nice. Pretty good reproductions or copies. Look similar in all the obvious areas. The only deviation from the oem’s is how the reluctor and governor assembly is retained on the shaft. A screw is used on these vs the original wire clip. The reluctor does away with the typical pin. The oem pickup/plate assemblies, rotors and caps interchange. The various screws are all the same as the oem. Everything is the same so interchanging things with old or NOS pieces will work. I don’t have an oem reluctor to see if it fits on the shaft but other than that.... On my remanufactured oem distributor one of the weights spring pins somehow came out, and ultimately caused the pickup to contact the reluctor and resulted in things getting mangled up. Pulled out the FBO plate, springs etc to swap over to this new version. Installed an nos Filko pickup assembly, rotor and correct tan cap. Here’s some pictures of things:





