Another one seeminly "headed downhill"

I myself have my "share." I've had arthritic "like" pain for decades. One doc told me he thinks it's "'systemic" instead of "conventionally thought of" arthritis. There is little medication that I can take without getting sick or having stomach problems. I must walk a "balance" between not enough activity and "too much."

My wife has a systemic arthritic condition. She has to take an injectable med which is ridiculously
expensive, but it has definitely worked wonders for her. She is on Enbrel.

As I am typing this, my father in law is on his way to Arizona, from Texas (flying). He can barely walk, has blood clots in his legs, has been a raging alky for years, and we really have no idea what exactly to expect once he get's here tonight. Given his history with alcohol abuse, I have hidden any alcohol in the house including Listerine, and hand cleaner... I have also hidden all of our car keys, as he should be in prison right now for extreme DUI, but they let him out when he had a heart attack in prison. Texas didn't want to pay for his care while in their custody.

He told my wife that he wants to get an AZ drivers license. He thinks it's like the old days where if you had a bad license in one state you could just pick up a license in another and keep driving. No way that's going to fly these days.

Let the fun begin...:popcorn: