Slant six in a Miata ? Why ???

I seem to remember seeing a picture of a Dutch Navy Fregat giving the Salut you mentioned
I believe it was a sign of the times that the ladies got in trouble for it...or perhaps it had something to do with the picture surfacing (little nautical pun for ya)

Giant ballast tanks!
The size of houses!!,
proper maintenance,
Nuclear power,

{ 24, 7foot wide, 44’+ tall, half a globe range, smooth bore tubes loaded with Globe-changing Megatons of death,
and good seamanship while taking 15 degree rolls at 400 foot of depth under a class 5 Hurricane

getting the new guys to:

search for 7 feet of Fallopian tubes,
asking for pink tacos from the cooks,
asking the biggest Machinist for a Machinist-punch,

finger painting your superior’s boots red, yellow, and blue,

Stapling his coverall feet holes shut before drills,

standing at 40 degree angles,

getting flashed by the passing foreign vessels’s lady sailors as we drive by,

running with basically scuba tanks to find fires in the dark,

and telling the engineering Master Chief, “Nofucking balls!” When he threatens to kick your *** while you are cleaning his lake of oil leaks ina Forrest of piping that would make him completely vulnerable trying to get to you.

Ahh good times!
Those were a few of my favorite things (that floated our ‘boat!’)[/QUOTE]