Torsion Bars... Best Diameter for a Lowered Street / Autocross car?

this is a great thread on this topic. I too was looking into learnings on the TBar and how to tune. I have 1.03" TBars on my demon that started as a /6 but now has a BB. Having come from the world of auto-x and track, the demon is a big step down from my little RSX in terms of handling. Trying to get something that would at least hang with my little RSX on curves

Tires are more important than the BB in my opinion. Nowadays it’s easy to have an aluminum headed BB that doesn’t weigh all that much more than a small block with iron heads.

Handling well is all about matching your components to work with each other. You can take a look at my post earlier in this thread, I’d happily put the handling of my car up against most newer cars without traction control. But you have to build a system that works together starting at the tires and working all the way back to the chassis to do that.