833 4spd repair advice

Honestly, sending a car to a shop for a 'once over' for bolts and nuts is beyond my ability to comprehend. To each his own, but IMO, you should not own a vehicle NOT under factory warranty and maintenance; Certainly not old-iron Mopar stuff.
So.....I did mention this was my first ever build ya? And your advice is to not get it looked over? I should not own or work on an old mopar that I have wanted for years? I was finally was able to buy an older one and do my best to tackle this huge project but that shouldn't have been done unless I didn't need any advice, assistance or a trained eye to check my work over?
After all my family will travel in this car, I dont have alignment machines etc and, 'a wise man seeks counsel'. To say I shouldn't own an old Mopar is wrong among some other colorful words imho.
I took on this project because I love the car, I'm not scared of anything, and I have learned a lot doing it. I also know the value to learn to do things properly. That means getting it checked over and even corrected if needed. How else do you learn? Certainly not just out of a book.