What happened to gasoline in the mid 1970s?

Lots of Economists serve under various administrations. Economics has been around for a long time with lots of proponents and differing ideologies depending what suits the administration at the time. Again the Monied interests drive the economic agendas that suits them.

When people talk about economics in most cases they talk about the ideas of Hayek, Smith, Keynes, Freidman and Marx other economists that have formed the majority of "Ideas" of "how" economies and economic models work. Remember their "ideas" of "how" they work and what happens in the real world isn't always correct and that's why its called the dismal science. Maybe go ask your uncle "who's" work he studied and who's work he teaches to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about.

If you want to know the guy I like is Charles. P. Kindleburger. He didn't look at Economies from a theoretical stand point but more from a market orientation.

I have less than zero interest in economics. You asked who my Uncle is and I answered.