Last one to post in this thread wins!

I tried it when I was about 19, but after carrying some 60 bundles of shingles to the roof of a 2 1/2 storey house on ladders one day I decided that it wasnt for me. My phone rang for about an hour the next day, multiple messages asking if I was going to work or not, but I couldn't get out of bed to answer it. Lol I am obviously not crazy enough to be a roofer.:realcrazy:
Well, I only need 32 bundles, and only one story
But yeah, I wouldn't want to do this nonsense for a living

I worked for a few hours last nite, and a few this morning...and I only got 1 square done
Granted, that did include 80 feet of the new construction, so that involved underlayment, drip rail and a LOT of calculations to make sure the first row of the existing roof matches with the 25th row of the new roof

Its about noon new, and it's getting too hot for me to keep messing with it

I'll put in some more time once the shade kicks in

Looks pretty decent for a novice
