Big block dart what's up

I love software folks. Its like they don't even have to think about here job. Here is a completely different layout where we made the easy way to do things harder and more involved, took away abilities to search but doesn't it look cool! We increased the ad area by 30%! You see this in Windows, Android, your microwave, etc. Today I was complaining at SolidWorks because some software guy changed the way you explode assemblies. The old way was fine and easy to use, oh no that **** had to go to a cumbersome process requiring more steps.

A programmers hell should be a lifetime of having to use their own stuff. Because if they did, they'd realize how bad it turned out.
Don't get me started! OK, I'm started. Today's developers are out for the spit & polish, the flash. Coding and ease of use are secondary thoughts. Great example of "snowflake thinking". My generation was very proud of their work ethic, results, and excellence. I was proud to serve in the US Air Force and thoroughly enjoyed my work and the mission we supported. The younger folks who were coming through the pipeline did not have that same vision. It was more of a job to them with a "what's in it for me" mentality. Off topic, sorry. Ugh.