What's Your Best Laxitive?

three days and five pages already; who knew this topic would would blow up like his.
My solution is to eat at regularly scheduled intervals, including fiber at every meal. But I stick mostly to eating foods that are actually on the food-list; fins and scales, split hoof and chews the cud, foraging birds, and green or leafy stuff. plus lots and lots of milk.
No pork, no bottom-feeding crustaceans, no beer/alcohol/tobacco, no crawling things, and no meds; my junk moves thru smoothly every 24 hours like clockwork. I used to really miss lobster, shrimp, and pork-chops/ribs; but I'm over it now. I'll be 68 in early June, and scaled 213 at last weigh-in; down from 224 a few weeks ago. if that matters.
Fiber IMO gets a bad rap. It takes up very little space but clings tenaciously to water, and stimulates your colon. So lubricates wherever it goes, and puts the boots to the load when the load is all packed up and ready to ship out.. It has no caloric value, so you can put as much thru your system as you dare.