Carb tuning, larger accelerator pump nozzle?

Hello All, so I finally got my GTS on the road and I'm now able to tune it. Been reading and playing with the carb (Quick Fuel 650 SS, Mech Secondary) and had a really bad lean stumble just coming off the clutch. The slower the leaner then it would catch up (I have a wide band o2). Installed 67 IAB from 71's and that didn't help after tuning those in. Installed a larger accelerator pump nozzle on the primary side from a 31 to a 33 and very little change. Installed a white pump cam and adjusted the pump arm, that helped a little, repeated with the blue cam and that put me where it dips 16-18 afr from a stop depend on how fast I come off the clutch and hit the gas and how flat the road is at the time. Blue being the largest cam, do I increase the larger accelerator pump nozzle? 33 now, move to a 35 or 37 or try something else? FYI I have a TKO 600 and 3.91:1 gears