Help in Phoenix (Parts Procurement)

Nevermind, I got it.

Hey PHX crew,

I found a part I've been after for a long time from a guy that near 51 and Indian School Road just north of downtown. I would like to find someone to pick it up and hold it until I can get out there. I am going to PayPal the guy and I can PayPal you for your time and storage of the part.

I can't make it to PHX for a month or better as I am in San Diego and wildfire season is upon us. We have drills coming up and I cannot take a day off. My weekends are already booked with a Mopar swap meet this weekend and going to Norcal next weekend, a wildland drill the next.

If anyone is coming to the Ontario, CA Mopars in May swap met this sunday maybe you could pick it up and bring it out? I have a swap space. I would definitely make it worth your effort$.

Phoenicians, Please PM me if you can help. Thanks for the consideration.