Stop in for a cup of coffee

So with the beginning of Summer so comes the annual diet from wife. Every time she is on a diet somehow it ends up effecting my eating habits as well. She has been on a serving something raw and uncooked at every meal kick of late. Tonight she looked at my plate and commented about my lack of raw food. Number one I ain’t on the diet, I am perfectly happy being fat and lazy! Number two I politely informed her that I did in fact have raw food on my plate. As I had melted butter and drizzled it all over my garlic bread. Butter in its raw form is in fact a liquid right? Thus I had in fact complied to the raw food requirements!
Sounds like someone doesn't like cooking inside in the summer!
Who can blame her. LOL

I pulled this from the (mini)garden yesterday. Carrot tops are in the soup now with leftover lamb, parlsy, barley and fresh sauted mushrooms and onions. Carrots may end up there too - they're the runts I let overwinter. Don't think they'll be good raw.
The little white turnips are great in salad. Actually I'm not big fan cooked turnips. Go figure.