Dart/Demon twin scoop locations

Sorry if this is elementary but there is a right and left scoop - installed backwards they look really goofy. and you will have misdrilled a bunch of holes in your hood. Drill all the holes that correspond with holes in the frame (labelled #1 in picture) use a collar for the drill bit sized to the frame hole if you want to be accurate. Carefully drop the scoop in those holes and mark the next one on the outside of the scoop in the back, fit the scoop again and mark the next one until all 3 unlocated holes on the outside of the scoop are done, then do the last one on the inside. The holes are a bit bigger than the studs and can be made oval front to back to perfect the smooth fit. The nuts and scoop cover up slight imperfections. You can find a template on e-bay. I think that 4 inches is a bit big for the air holes as you want the big grommet to fit tight - it keeps water out of the engine compartment when it rains (tall side up).

Actual size of the original holes was 4-1/8". If you're using a hole saw to cut them, get a 4" or 4-1/16" hole saw. By the time you clean up the holes they'll be close to the right size. When I drilled mine I used a 4 1/8" hole saw. The DMT grommets still fit, but if the holes had been any bigger it could have been an issue.

Bigger version

Also keep in mind that the holes are not centered in the scoop