Rumble's opinion; on why the 318 needs more love

Here you go Rumble, knock yourself out
I’d report this as blatant harassment :mob: but this is to good to let die even though it is highly mis-titled.:realcrazy:
I’m should be titled…
“Let us make AJ cry in defeat because we love a MoPar engine no matter what size it is!”
You my friend are a RIP!:poke::popcorn::usflag:

Cuz its a bored out version of everyone's favorite tiny block, the 273?
You are awesome yet again! How long have we be posting on the net? 25+? G’s! Ya think we would meet one day! LMAO.
Because everybody loves the underdog.
Ya damn straight!
Doesn’t someone have something like that in there sig???
“The Ultimate Underdog!”
Here is how you build them.
Life is Short, Enjoy the Good Times !

Nice my man! Nice!
Soap opera continued.

What's not to love?
It's got 8 holes...

Waiting for the big block guys to come trash the 360 with some 440 persuasion.
Exactly! Going big? Then Go big!
AJ, Does that stand for "always jacking or joking"?
That does it! Another round for Justin!
You missed one thing though…
I add in this
Gotta love AJ though!
A tall cool glass of Holy water for AJ!:thumbsup:

So AJ, you did read over and over how I agree with you on the 360 being better right or did you just go red and start this thread?

If ya went red, then :icon_fU:

Come on everybody!
Let’s all get together and show AJ some love,
318 style!!!!

Get on the pulpit and read him the riot act!

:thankyou: Drive through now…..