Stock 360 Upgrades for Crusher Cuda?

Looks good to me. Keeping in mind Everybody has their financial constraints....but if it were me? I’d get the converter now, hold off on headers. Good headers would be about the same $$$ as a good converter. The motor will be out, you’ll be looking at that lowly stock converter hanging there in the engine bay! Headers can be added later easily. What’s the performance gain of a good matched performance converter vs. headers? Converter all the way in this case. :)
I get what your saying about the converter. The next step up cam suggested a 2000 stall converter. Lift was still under .500. The main reason for headers now, is I can make one exhaust system and stick with it. I may opt for a manual valve body instead of the shift kit, and that may change the converter of choice as well. That's why I wanted to deal with the trans later. To be honest. I have no idea if this trans will even shift. Ran when wrecked 2 years ago. If the trans needs rebuilt, then we have lots of options. Maybe even a 904 bullet proofed. We will have to see.