Too thrifty?

When you wear on clear in half that is when "too thrifty"

AND NOW another annoying story from the old days

When I got out of the Navy I was working for a parts store near a ski mountain. Some outfit got some of those used pickup/ van cab/ widebody busses, 1T. Used them to run customers up and down to the ski lodge from town.

Someone brought a disc rotor in off one, and in 74-75 these were "fairly new" items. They wanted it turned, and the thing had been worn down bad and we did not have documentation on them. I drilled a 1/8" inspection hole in the web connecting the brake surface to the hub center and determined "it was way WAY too thin" and gave it back to the customer

Sometime later, someone came in with it IN TWO PIECES. They were threatening to sue, etc. I told them "you better have a receipt for us turning it because we didn't--we rejected it." I recognized it by the drilled inspection hole. Never heard from them again.