The 40 440

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Not much to the tank. Ordered a tank from summitwith my dimensions welded in a flange, and bolted it in. Yes there is a reason other than horsepower,and the racing look that we decided to use such a pricy tank. You will know why very soon.
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So what you've all been waiting for. Well maybe one of the things.
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Using a set of light bezels,and buckets I had laying around. I traced the hole needed to fit them on the fender. After I found center of course.
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Cut out the hole ,and trimmed till the buckets fit in. Making sure they were right side up.
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Mounted the lights with long screws so I could face them at the angle I wanted.,and set them straight. Which placed them an inch or two away from the fender in some places.
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So I taped off the parts of the bucket that I wanted protected,and poured two part hard foam around them.
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Then shaped the foam leaving perfectly molded headlights. I soaked the foam in fiberglass resin. Sanded them and now they are ready for body work.
Next time we will assemble the box,and show you a never before seen cool hand customs original bed floor.

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