Rotating assy balance

Looks pretty sloppy to me. I would either be weighing them myself or do some complaining. I do not believe rod caps can be that far off in weight verse mass. I have balanced my share of engine some in my work shop and had parts checked and final balance done at machine shop. A couple of times I had to switch to a different rod assembly because 1 or 2 were so far off from the rest and also had to rework some to get the equalized set, but I NEVER settled for anything that looked like your mess. What's the purpose of balancing if you have 80 grams of variance? That's not a balance job ! Factory tolerance is one thing but not balanced ! Weigh the caps, weigh the rod beams, weigh the pistons, rings and pins, weigh the bearings, Mark those to go in the same rods later weigh the assembled rods with bearings and get them the same both ends and total weigh the pins by themselves, the pistons by them selves the ring sets the same after you get the gaps set and keep them for each piston cyl. write it all down and give it to the machinist. If he insists on weighing everything himself, fine but you are paying for a balance job so expect it. To your satisfaction.

Why would you weight the cap off of the rod? He may be telling him to move the rods around to make everything work. If you don’t have 30 rods to go through (or more) to find a set close enough to balance then you move stuff around and make it work.

I’m still waiting for an update from the OP to see what the machine shop said.