440 Source Cap/Girdle Install= Long Tedious Job

Had another shop bring in a 440 block and the entire 440 source cap/girdle kit for me to install and machine. For those that don't know 440 Source makes their caps for the smaller main bearing diameter of the 383/400 --the rough bore is about 2.750" so to take that out to 2.940" is .190" of material to remove before the final process of line honing can be performed. I have a Sunnen PLB-100 which is a wonderfully simple attachment to the CH-100 Line hone but wow is it slow and tedious. Nevertheless the job went well but the time sure does add up. Each cap took 9 rough cuts followed by one finish cut. Then the chamfer bit is used and you carefully feed by hand into the edge of the cap to chamfer and deburr it. Once I was within .002" the girdle was installed/shimmed and then linehoned. All told I have close to 20 hrs in this puppy. Can you charge 20hrs? Of course not, so I charged half-but it is perfectly straight within .00025" and I doubt the centerline changed more than a thou. No shop near me seems to be able to perform line boring. Yes I did have to machine up 440 sized arbor "rings" so that took a couple hours that did not get charged. I made the secondary step 318 sized so I can do 440's or 318's with the same set. It was worth it in the end I think? J.Rob

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Why use the wrong caps to start with ?