What gain will I see in my time slips

i agree with ya. My point is its going to have to run WAY more MPH even in the 1/8 to make it ET decently
Its off everywhere at all the incrementals.
When i got my current car, the 360 that was in it ran only 109 in the 1/4 at 12.23. Not that different from the OP…That is where i started chipping away from.
It just isn't making any power, frankly, anywhere.
Assuming the machine work is all good, a mushy 10 inch convertor( imo) would be an obvious place to start looking.
He seemingly has enough motor to run mid 11’s easily. If not faster.
Getting his complete combo would certainly help pin it down better
I’m heading into work right now I’ll try and post my complete set up ASAP I thought I had it posted here already but for sure I’ll get it put back in