A833 OD 340 4x4?

So, Thank you all for the cpomments. The Dakota had in it a 4cyl at the begining, and a 5 speed. I swap.d it for a 360 I found here, and a 727 that came with it. But I have the a833OD which I thought to eventually swap for, you know, some mpg. The 340 is optional, and everything AJ said i (And geez, I thank you air for all the info, really), recon.

The main question was really if there was a possibility to have both worlds, the 4x4 world with a NP transfer case (and which would it be?), and the go-fast world.

The pick up is super cool as it is, and Im glad I found the 360, nbot only because the 4cyl was quite dead, but because its been an amazing platform to work with. I kinda just drive throu the mountains with it and my dogs in it and not get stuck in the mud with the 2wd. And the 340 well, it was just so cool to have an iconic engine.

Now, If I keep the 360 and put the OD unit (iron case), will it handle the power well? will I just be restricted to cruising?
I guess I could assemble the 340 and put it in some eventual project.

****More importantly, I HAVE all these things laying around, I want to use them, not get more stuff, I only have so much time and so much space.