Parts rant

I'm waiting for my solid roller cam from Voodoo. The phone guy, Will, said they're having a problem getting cam blanks from their suppliers. I only include his name because he was straight up honest, and didn't blow smoke up my kilt. My delivery date is August for my cam and roller lifters. Thanks to Rumblefish and his advice, I'll wait until I get the cam and lifters I want.

Yep. And August may get here and you still might not have it. Cam cores are like hens teeth right now.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that there isn’t much steel coming in from China at the moment. That means whatever steel is made here is getting bought up by the big players in the industry. The OEM’s, big manufacturing and such.

The little guys who buy steel in relatively small amounts can’t compete with a company that orders steel in the hundreds of tons at a time.

Another reason why letting all that manufacturing move overseas was bad.