The "Throw Away 318"

thats not the case anymore.
I get what you're saying, but
I think you might have miss-understood my post;
I stopped collecting doesn't mean they aren't still arriving. Every time a V8 A-body shows up costing too much to safety,, they are worth $300 at the scrap metal dealer. But the car still has to be prepped and shipped. And it ain't worth the time to me anymore to pull the powertrains out. So I pass.
Now, if someone wants to pay me to haul it away, that would be another story........
But it ain't worth money to the owner to retrieve the 100 square feet the car is sitting on in the backyard, so no one hauls them away any more ...... until a town bylaw forces them to either cover them or haul them. Or they might end up on rural property, along the road allowances, or in an old machine shed.
I know where quite a few of these cars are, quietly rotting away, even A53/A56 cars.
Here in the Great White is probably not like in the USA..............
But I do get what you're saying.

But my point is still the same; No one comes around for my 318s so why bother collecting more.