Frozen lower left alternator bolt

That is a quite interesting idea. I will admit that my first thought was to agree with @hemi71x and prepare for the rusted, broken bolt drill out dance. It would be great if you could take a picture and show @Enjoying it again exactly what you are talking about. I really hope it works. If not, drag out the Easy outs.

I have gotten 3 out of 4 frozen water pump bolts this way.
The one it didn’t work on sheared the bolt shank and left a couple of inches still in the block.
Tapping with the hammer and vise grips got that one out after the pump and timing cover were off.

In the picture there is a ridge where the bolt shank runs through the pump housing and timing cover.
There is a ridge just like that for the lower bolt.
Swing the alternator up and drill that with a 1/16 bit anywhere along that channel into the bolt opening.
Fill it with something like PB Blaster or WD40 and let it soak awhile with an occasional smack or three on the bolt head with the hammer for shock value.
Give it a day or over night to soak, then very lightly try and see if it moves.
