Frozen lower left alternator bolt

This is easy, but it's time consuming. Here's how you do it. Make preparations to remove the timing cover. Cut the head of that bolt off when you get all the rest off and ready to remove the timing cover and wiggle the timing cover off the headless bolt. Then you can get to where it screws into the block and spray penetrant on it where it does into the block and smack the end of the bolt with a hammer. Rinse and repeat with a pair of vise grips on the bolt bouncing gently on it counter clockwise. It will come out. Eventually. The problem will become that may not be the only bolt you have to cut the head off of. When you finally get the bolt or bolts removed, go into all those bolt holes in the block with a tap and clean them up GOOD. Finally, upon reassembly, coat the threads of all the bolts with high temp red RTV and the long bolts that run completely through the water pump and timing cover coat the shafts of those bolts as well to keep the shaft from seizing up on the timing cover. That's the only correct way to do this job and completely repair it so it can be taken apart in the future. Anything less is a waste of time.

The oil pan and possibly the gasket, the pump and timing cover, realigning the timing cover and sealing it again.
No thanks.
Not without every possible attempt at getting the bolt out in one piece first.