Electric guitar...

Picked up a steel string Alvarez Acoustic back in my mid 20s. Learned some cords, took some lessons.

Kind of came to the conclusion that the strings are too close together, and seams to take a lot of finger pressure to get a clean sounding chord. Probably improper technique on my part.

Never had much success with it, put lots of effort into it. Kind of thinking pulling on wrenches makes the fingers muscle bound and lose the needed deterity to play with ease. Like good guitar players I know they have skinny thin fingers and walk the frets with ease.

Everyone is different and some folks are wired for it. You can harminize your voice with the chord changes you are doing and it seems to help pull it all along.

I really think the players are enjoying it more than than the people that are listening to it.

Glad to see you take in a new challenge, fun to see what you can accomplish.

Was at a graduation a week ago, a lady came up to me and said, I remember when my first boyfriend and I used to come by and you guys were playing the guitars. I had forgot all about that, but yeah we did have some fun trying to figure it all out.

Fond Memories
