Making some headway again finally. Got the other door epoxy primed as well as the 4 rims. If course the outer of the rims reacted and bubbled on a couple. Had to resand them twice to take care of it. Today I decided to try out my new spray setup. Got a great deal on a Binks mach 1sl hvlp gun at a yard sale new for $20. Had to order the pressure can but still a bargain in the end. Tried it with the color and wow, this thing makes painting easy. Never even really set it up. Got 2 runs but that was my fault. I can live with them where they are. I put the second coat on too early, combined with the humidity being really high (showing 75% in my shop). Paint is taking WAY too long to dry. Will do the clear tomorrow when the base dries overnight.
Also heard from my upholstery guy. He got the rear seat done. Hopes to have the front and door panels done early this week