uncle tony's garage gets called out by the roadkill guys

I think I just figured something out...... Whitepunkonitro was actually pretty well liked here. Here is the problem: FABO wants to post a response. On every thread, no matter the topic, "here is why you are wrong...... blah blah" or "here is what you need to do.... blah blah". On a video... eh hum... no chance to voice their opinion. Generally, FABO doesn't like that. Hear me, Hear me !!! But nobody cares about a smudge little remark under the video. So, they have no microphone. Therefore, strong dislike boils to the surface (I didn't say hate) :) Do you know how many would love a "4-door 4-speed" build here ??? The like button would be smashed, then they can post an opinion. Notta chance with a video.

Kinda like when someone states that they're done with a particular thread, only to respond shortly thereafter. I call it the 'last word' complex. A lot of people here tend to have it.