Lovely. Avista Power/ inentional blackout in Spokane (Spokamentro)

I spent the last 45 years in irrigated agriculture in eastern Washington. We design/build large agriculture irrigation systems which supply most food groups globally and I live in the county that grows more potatoes than any other county in the US. Our potatoes is where your McFries come from. I specialize in large orchard/vineyard pump stations that require 300/500 HP each. The last few days has stressed our entire irrigation infrastructure as the heat exceeds all previous standards. Make no mistake about it, there will be crop loss and loss of income and profitability to our grower base, not because of our power grid but because our irrigation systems are typically designed to deliver around .40"/day of available water and the evapotranspiration rate over the 3-4 weeks of the heat wave exceeds 1"/day. The soil simply cannot bank that kind of water in the root zone. Fortunately for us, our power grid had not had any brownouts or intentional reduction of service. It could happen though as today it is expected to get to 117 degrees here. I am looking forward to the end of this unprecedented heat wave at least for this year. Could be the new normal though------------------------------------

Yeah, I figured crop irrigation was taking a beating. I’m watering my lawn twice a day, 7 days a week and it’s still barely staying green. I can’t imagine trying to irrigate crops in this weather, especially if you have to use human power to move the pipes (BTDT).