Go Habs!

I guess no way is a 'good' way to go. In my twisted mind, I like to think of him in the hot tub exploring marine biology at a raging party with ridiculous fireworks. And then he gets taken out in a split second in all his glory vs. being treated in a hospital bed by strangers administering what is equivalent to mild poison to keep him alive as long as scientifically possible as he ***** himself and agonizes.

yep, no way is a good way to go. I pray for his family and all of the hockey community, it puts a lot into perspective when something like this happens. I live in the Detroit area, and remember vividly the accident that changed the lives of Konstantinov and Fetisov while driving in a limo celebrating the wings Stanley cup victory. It changed the mood of the entire city, and to this day still brings tears to my eyes.