Hemi engine swap..is it worth it

I was driving my 72 Demon yesterday with its modern Gen 3 Hemi installed. I can enthusiastically say yes it is worth it. Is it difficult, depends on your skill set. For me it was but I did it all myself. Frankly it took me to the edge of my skill set. I encountered a million little hurdles. It was frustrating and took me a long time. Would I do it again? Heck yeah! I am already planning my next build. If you get super bored I did a build thread on it and it takes you thru many of the hurdles I faced. Somebody more savvy likely would not have encountered my many mistakes. The build thread is titled Gen 3 Hemi in 72 Demon. In addition if you are serious about doing the swap I would start a thread. I was amazed at how many folks followed it and offered solutions and guidance. I never would have made it without all the FABO support. Plus I got to meet a bunch of great folks.

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Thanks I'll definitely check thread out. Just depends on if this guy brings me the engine today like he said. Guess I'll leave it to fate. If he brings it then it's a go
Here's a shortcut for you. 6.1 Hemi into 72 Demon March 2018