Something isn't right..

Of course when he said he was going to buy a new carburetor after the initial break in I tried to give my best case for getting an Edelbrock or a street demon...
This was going to make it simple...
I 100% agree that a holly style carburetor is going to be much more tunable and more suited for drag racing and really for a lot of people they work great I'm not trying to start a holly versus Edelbrock for the millionth time thread... But were this guys at and his tuning ability and the fact that he's never even pulled a car up to the Christmas tree in his life starting out with an inexpensive carburetor that is much more user friendly AKA simple would get him up to the starting line and down the track and get all the other things he needs to get figured out and then if he needed to go one or two or three tenths faster go ahead and buy that street brawler is what he bought and start learning to tune your carburetor after you get everything else sorted out.
I could start at the back of the car and work my way to the front of all the things that are wrong before this car ever really sees any time at the track... I just wish he would have made it much simpler...