727 ticking in park?

He’s driving it, 1969383s, I’ve not heard the sound yet. On yours you said until above 15mph, that’s what has me stumped thinking about it. He’s saying only in park. Any other selection it goes away. It’s probably simple and I’m over thinking it which I do often. I will check that linkage though, he was saying something about not being able to go into first position because of the way he had to bend the linkage to work on the column shift. I built it, he installed it. We will see I guess. I’ll report back my findings. That way if someone else runs into something similar.

Thanks guys.

Sounds like you have some thoughts and yes seeing and hearing is the best answer. My broken converter happened at the track and was not a tick but heavy banging like bearings! Only after the attempted drive home did I notice it went away above 3800 stall speed! At that point I figured the motor is fine and keep above stall speed until home and tranny removal!

My guess is linkage related!JMO but sure you will figure it out!