Fire fighting planes..anyone fly one?

Imagine going balls out dawn to dusk for 21 days straight.

I was 34 when I got into the job. I was in the military, ran with the Special Ops types, came back from Iraq and didn’t quite fit back into society. I had always wanted to be a firefighter so I started taking Fire Science courses and got my EMT license. Did some ride alongs with a couple of big city departments and realized how public the job is and decided to go into Wildland Firefighting. At 41 I am just behind the fastest young guys on the runs and hikes but I can still work all day and night for a 15-21 day assignment. It just comes down to being smart and not getting injured and keeping on top of your physical fitness. Eat right and don’t drink B08029C5-A794-4DDD-82BC-AB30BB085309.jpeg
Helispot at 11,000 ft. Flying in supplies and people. Had to do a Medevac on this fire. 3D5ED73D-B24E-49D0-A247-D6DBCA9CB71F.jpeg
Type 1 Helitanker (Sky Crane) making a drop. These things are absolutely massive.

This is a Delta 160th SOAR (Special Operation Air Regiment?) Apache. We did a lot of interoperability training with these guys at Fort Campbell, KY.