Going back to work part time...

Do whatever works for you and what you enjoy but listen to what your body tells you..
Im 69 years old, retired at 62 mostly because I needed to care for my wife but I needed to leave as I was betrayed by two of what I considered to be close co-workers (long story), the resentment was something that was ruining me, so the choice to retire was clear.
I worked part time after that for a few local construction trucking outfits and some smaller excavators, I've worked two jobs most of my working life, so working P/T was no big deal
I like having extra money and it funded my car projects now that I was in a position to finally afford a hobby car.
But the problem is 62 yrs old to 69 yrs old isn't like 50 to 60 years old. The last almost 8 years from retirement have taken a toll.
I worked a actually 8 hour day yesterday in the heat, no breaks, im exhausted today.
My point is work for the right reasons and when the reasons aren't right, as hard as it is dont be afraid to open that next chapter in life...... You have been given and I have also received a gift that many others dont get so we should use it wisely.
Best of luck.....