Any of you girls still use CB radio?

If i understood correctly, your old radio is now going to pick up more interference from FM capable units??

I used to manage a fleet of fire tankers and tenders out west for a private timber company. Radios are used to keep from meeting other vehicles on steep, winding, mountain logging roads. I remember picking up HAM signals from central America on clear summer days. It was a little annoying and I guess could be dangerous, but I don't think having to buy new radios would be very popular especially if folks learn why.....seems kinda sleezy and potentially dangerous in the short term.

The "pay for play" Motorola radios we had in the company vehicles for communication on the construction site never had an issue as long as we were in the LA Basin. Moved to a job in San Diego with much ready mix concrete involved. Mixer drivers keep hearing messages about "add 20 gallons to the load" :wtf: so they do and 15 minutes later the truck is back at the ready mix plant with a load too wet to use. Turns out there is another ready mix concrete outfit on the same frequency 300 miles to the north and right on the beach as we were in San Diego :lol:. We never heard their base station because it was nestled in a valley, but when their mixers got to the beach/Vandenberg AFB it was pretty much line of sight clear :rofl:. We made new acquaintances via long distance radio in Lompoc :lol:.