uncle tony's garage gets called out by the roadkill guys

Oh I get it. You are performing a public service announcement. You are trying to save the people of FABO from the perils of
The dreaded Uncle Tony and using poetry for the sensitive types. By the way. You should be nominated as a Poet Laureate for that one. Brought a tear to my eye.

Listen man, here's the deal with UT if you want help working on your car, you wouldn't go to him, if you needed parts, he'd sell you junk for a good price, good parts for even more. If you want someone to tell you stories around the campfire, you'd invite Uncle Tony to be there at your campfire. get it? yeah hes fun for a bullshit story, once ya hear one youve heard them all, UTG is for guys who dont actually get off the couch and go out in their garage...
A thank ya ... thank ya vurry much... I'm here all week...:lol: