Six pack secondary paper clip test?

Quick update for Cruze and Mattax. Thanks to all for your help, but especially you 2.
I realize this was almost a month ago, but I went on a 3 week backpacking trip. Just got a chance to tune with new springs.
Turns out it was the springs as suspected. I had the black (heaviest) in there which werent opening at all. Decided to do a go all the way on the other end and try the white (lightest) first. I expected these would be too light and I would get a noticeable bog. But they were perfect, which surprised me. Did the paper clip test on both outboards and they did open. I still had to somewhat mash on it, but I could also feel them open. Although it wasnt as noticeable as I thought it would be. Maybe cuz the transition was relatively smooth with no bog. At any rate, outboards are opening and functioning properly with the white springs. Thanks for the help again.

That's how vacuum carburetors are supposed to work. Seamless and unnoticeable. ......except for the haulin *** part. That's just how my little 450 VS on this slant 6 does. You cannot FEEL anything when the secondaries open, but the car really starts MOVING.