What's up with the gay club music intro.
Lost me already!

I have the actual magazine that article is from. It's kinda washy. Theyre usually selling you something. For me...I'd like to see more of what people are doing with their magnum valve train , stock , to make it work. Sure you can use really expensive behive springs...but you can also cut the pockets and use regular **** too that's under a certain o.d The hyd roller doesn't really need a lot of spring for all the armor that's put into valve train.
People get the heads from some builder or supplier with valve n springs let's say.. and then still spend a $hit ton more for studs, guide plates, rockers, adjusters..
Stuff like that was always kept secret in the LA vs Mag head debates. Not to veer off too much.. but fact of the matter was/is the LA was/is always cheaper. It's the hype of 1.6 and closed chambers that most became blindly lusted after. Imo
Anyways..the spring pockets aren't deep, you have to stick a longer valve in them imo to open spring choices aka cam choices up..and keep it affordable.
90 dollar springs vs 200+
Magnum valves probably cost more than a stainless 11/32 5.011-5.025 as well.
The rockers.. aren't they fine to about .600?
Isn't it that people don't raise the rockers and create binding issues? How much is all the stud mount guide plate conversion $hit, like $650-$800? Plu$ pu$hrod$ Meanwhile the LA gear is 300-500? on average. I'm doing some on my truck and raising the rockers to compensate the longer valve then see where I'm at with preload. I'm not trying to spend near what guys buying done heads and then all that gear for stud ****.. again, on iron small port heads. Always left out of the discussion when debating of course. Hard left now going hard right back on track..
I'm not impressed with the outcome or his taste in music... in fact.. like his piston reversal..he probably reverses his boxer shorts so the hole is in the back:rolleyes: