Stupid question of the day!

i suppose with the single master cylinder you wouldnt need a light to know you had no brakes...:)

The hydraulic failure warning is on the same lamp as the parking brake, but just really tells you there' s a pressure drop in on or other of the tandem brake circuits. Frankly that warning is redundant to me. If there is a pressure problem, the driver should be able to recognize it quickly as the pedal will be lower, spongy, much different than normal.

On a side note, my Grandmother on my Mother's side is one person who NEEDED not only a "the parking brake is on" warning, but a warning to SET the thing!!!

When I was young my Grandpa had no less than THREE fluid drive Dodges. My Gramma had a BIG problem either forgetting to SET the thing---which on a fluid drive is the only damn thing that keeps the car from rolling--------and equally bad about RELEASING the brake---which burns up the brake so that it WON'T BRAKE anymore.
She wrecked all three cars!!!! One was a total, rolled down a steep hill and crashed and rolled over, one rolled down into a "crick" and damaged the front clip, and I forget what happened to the third, but they pulled the TAN front clip off the third car and married it to the DARK GREEN second wreck and made a useable car out of that mess.

On yet ANOTHER side story, we were pickin' huckleberries up "Rapid Lightning Creek" and Grampa drove over a rock and clipped the pan, draining the oil. We had to wait hours and hours up there in the woods for him to walk---for hours and hours---to find a phone and call my Dad at work..........who showed up eventually and pulled us all home LOL