Stop Whining

The story of the old outdoor toilet

The first house I was aware of up until six, at first had an outdoor toilet. This was WAY nicer than anybody would build for a house, especially such as that old house. I'm pretty certain it came from Farragut Naval facility, which was an area training base during WWII.

When Dad and Gramps remodeled the house, they removed the outdoor toilet and stored it just sitting in Gramps back field. We moved onto that place when I was 6. When I was ?12-14? some relatives came up to visit and stayed a couple weeks, and Gramps had a little cabin out back of his "new" place, so he came and got the old toilet and installed it out there by the "guest house."

About the time I graduated HS, Gramps retired, and built his retirement home on his property up the hill from where we lived--his old house. He and my step-grandmother wanted to camp out up there a few days at a time building the new house, so they moved the old toilet up there

So that is Farragut---my young downtown house--stored out where I grew up--Installed at Gramps--and moved and installed at Gramps retirement place. So at least FIVE locations that old toilet has been

The day Gramps moved that old toilet for the last time, I was going home out Pine st. I was near town in a residential area, and this horrible unrecognizable sight came into view. "Something" was parked at the side of the road. It turned out Gramps old pu had broken a U joint, and there, much mortified and generally upset, was my step gramma waiting for Gramps to get back with help. And in the bed of the pickup----dirty side to the rear---was that damned old toilet!!!!

And thus was born the first true Porta Potty.
Before that they just dumped out the back of the wagon.

Oregon Trail Camping is a Thing Now With New Covered Wagons | That Oregon Life