Stop Whining

I know it will rub some the wrong way but this is exactly what comes to mind when I hear people complain about being asked to wear a mask or comparing it to Nazi Germany .
Can you imagine what runs thru a Jewish survivors mind when they hear that ? They were literally hunted and killed or tortured ! Or anyone living in the middle east ( yes ...that is a product of there own religious fanatacism) having to live with the Taliban in their community .
Try living in parts of Mexico with the cartels and kidnapping rampant.
Or maybe Russia which is really just a warmed over version of Stallins communist days.
Or parts of Latin America with massive gang problems and weak government / corrupt police. Your 8 year old either joins the gang or is murdered/beaten/raped.
Maybe North Korea ? Whole population is starving with a Kim Jung Il at the helm throwing his relatives into pits of wild dogs or shooting them point blank with a Howitzer !
China? Nuff said....

YEAH...America has really gone downhill ! They ASK us to wear a mask to protect our older population (us..).