Silliest Thing You Ever Put On Your Mopar ?

OK more silly.

in order of stupid to silly

A - 5 on 4 to 5 on 4.75 adapters to fit 10" Cragers - they loosened up all the time like 50 miles of very hard local driving.
I would have to check then all the the time. The trick to see if it's time to take the wheels off and tighten the adapter. Drive real slow close to a building or any concrete wall with the window down. Fuckers would get all 'crunchy sounding.

B- Stainless Square Headlight cover shields that gave it that "modern headlight look". If anyone has a pair of these PM me.

C- Bigass Antenna. came with the car and was soon removed.

D - Came with yellow Lakewood slappers. cool Not stupid, can't remember why I took them off.

E - Snorkle scoop on a 71.? Added that because "I like them"

IMG_0940 71 Duster.jpg IMG_0939 71 Duster.jpg IMG_0944 71 Duster s front  grill.jpg