switched 12v source for my Holley Sniper
Well yeah that's kinda what was said. Here is how it works with the factory breakerless ECU which is a real head scratcher. The ECU and the coil must get power to start of course. With IGN1, the only power to the system is the brown going to the COIL side of the ballast So during cranking, the coil does get hot full battery voltage
But the box.........LOL...........is fed BACKWARDS (so to say) from the brown IGN2---through the resistor---to the ign1 side of the ballast, and from the wiring harness back into the box. This means that the box is getting reduced voltage during starting!!!. Not only is the battery dragged down to 10.5--11V during cranking, but the box is only getting power from the resistor. I've never measured just what this is, I would guess 6-8V or so