
If they could figure out how to get rid of the undergrowth or if they are clear cutting.....take the under growth with it and re-plant. Selective cutting is expensive, but probably not as expensive as a huge fire. It the 'kindling' that get it started and guessing but....20% of the continued fuel source? Do they integrate a large gap in the trees during a re-plant so the fire has a tougher time to 'jump' to the next batch? I wonder what kind of consequences cloud seeding would have over the long term.
I think the healthy tree per acre in a ponderosa forest is like 25, its 1000 today! Thin it! Talk about shovel (saw) ready jobs!!!
"...A century ago a ponderosa pine forest may have had some 25 mature trees per acre and be easily traversed on horseback or by a horse-drawn wagon. Today the same forest may have more than 1.000 trees on the same acre, creating conditions that are much too thick for the passage of a hiker. These tightly packed trees are smaller, weaker, more disease prone and more susceptible to insect attack than their ancestors. Such forests form huge reservoirs of fuel awaiting ignition, and pose a particularly significant threat when drought is also a factor..."