Which 8 3/4” SBP Drums and Hardware

20 years ago I bought an 8 3/4 rear end for my 72 Dart, painted it and put it in the corner of my dad’s garage. After all these years the car is nearing completion. Still a ways to go but I am getting everything ready for final assembly. The rear end came without any drums or hardware. Only the backing plate. I need to buy all the things…wheel cylinders, hardware, shoes, drums. I do not know which size I am supposed to buy and I am not 100% sure which year/model car the rear end came from. It was from an a-body, its 8 3/4 with SBP and has 3.55’s. That’s about all I know.

So, can anyone tell me. Were SBP 8 3/4 all the same size drums? Can anyone tell me the size I need? Is there a way I can tell based on the backing plate? Thanks in advance.